When I first started to peruse the list of panels I wanted to attend for 2019, SyFy’s Resident Alien caught my eye. Not because I knew anything about it, but because it appeared to be a TV show. You see, New York Comic Con changed it’s online panel schedule / calendar thing and in doing so eliminated the ability to filter panels by genre, so it was name recognition or bust for identifying potential panels to add to my itinerary.
From the name I did correctly surmise it was a show on SyFy, but beyond that I knew nothing. A quick click on the title revealed that it starred Alan Tudyk, which was basically all I needed to know to add this to my must-see list. I did do slightly more due diligence though and from a quick Google search learned that it’s based on a comic book of the same name. Not much else was out there, but I kind of appreciated the air of mystery knowing that I’d learn more during the panel.
And learn more I did. Not only did they screen the pilot episode for us, but they also had writer/executive producer Chris Sheridan and actors Alan Tudyk, Sara Tomko, and Corey Reynolds on hand for a Q&A.
Here’s the highlights:
- The show has been four years in the making.
- Alan Tudyk was the last actor they saw audition for the lead role of the alien / Doctor Harry Vanderspeigle.
- For logistical reasons, a body double was used in the pilot episode for the alien scenes, but going forward Tudyk will wear the makeup and prosthetics.
- For the role, Tudyk explained that he gets to do a lot of “clowning” which he enjoys. Without giving anything away, let’s just say, he crushes the physical comedy.
- Tudyk introduced the pilot by saying, “Enjoy watching me crash yet another spaceship…” to which the audience, myself included, audibly sighed in sadness. (It’s still too soon.)
- The pilot episode screened was not the finished version. Some special effects still need to be finalized; however, I thought the episode looked good. And we saw it on a LARGE screen. This wasn’t the low-budget shoddy FX used in SyFy original movies like Sharknado, so fear not if quality is your concern.
- In regards to how true the show will remain to its source material – Sheridan explained that they are taking a lot of liberties, some for practical reasons. The core of Harry will remain the same, but the show will incorporate more humor and more backstory for all the characters.
- I will add that there were a lot of laughs during the screening. And while I can’t confirm that the music tracks I heard will make the final cut, they certainly helped set the tone that this show was not going to take itself too seriously.
- There’s a scene in the pilot where Corey Reynolds, who plays the town Sheriff, is sitting in his patrol car and beatboxing. That’s really Reynolds doing the beatboxing. The scene was not scripted, it was added later on because he and Sheridan thought it would be really funny if his character had a very specific hidden talent / hobby.
- All of the actors remarked that their input has been welcomed in the creative process.
- There are many many references to Law & Order in the pilot, which are used to great effect; however, Sheridan doesn’t want to go overboard with current pop culture references like Family Guy, he doesn’t want the show to feel dated. (His credits include Family Guy so he can say that.)
- Despite the obvious Law & Order’s influence, the show will not be taking on a “case-of-the-week” format.
- Without spoiling too much from the pilot, I will say that there is a season-long mystery set up in the first episode and that payoff has been promised by the first season’s end.
- Episodes 2-8 have been written so far but not shot, production for season one will begin in November in Vancouver.
- Why SyFy? Sheridan explained that they do dark humor well and take chances.
Resident Alien will premiere sometime in 2020 on SyFy. Keep an eye out for more info or a trailer because from what I saw so far this is definitely a show worth checking out. The fish-out-of-water story isn’t something new, but this a fun new take on a tried and true television trope.
Panel: Friday October 4, 2019 – “SYFY’s Resident Alien World Premiere Screening & Panel”
Screening: Pilot Episode
Panelists: Alan Tudyk, Sara Tomko, Corey Reynolds, and writer/executive producer Chris Sheridan