
Girl Meets World Reunion

Completely Arbitrary 2014 TV Superlatives

Let’s be real. “Best of…” lists are always subjective, I can’t possibly watch everything, but that doesn’t mean I’m not going to make one. I still watched a hell of a lot of TV this year, so without further ado, here’s my list of 2014 TV superlatives:

Marathon TV Online

TV to Marathon During the December Doldrums

Fall TV is winding down, which means several weeks of Holiday specials, reruns, sports, and the occasional burn-off of a failed freshman series is upon us. You could use this time to catch up with family and friends, or to watch all those movies you missed throughout the year, or maybe even go outside if …

TV Halloween Costumes

Easy TV Inspired Halloween Costumes

Need a Halloween costume? How about one that’s easy to make? Or even better yet, one that people will get? The way I see it, you’ve got two angles to approach a TV-themed Halloween costume. Either pick something so mainstream it’s impossible not to know what you are or pick something that looks cool without …

Hulu Enhanced Viewing Feature

Hulu Experiments With Enhanced Viewing

If you’ve watched an episode of Modern Family, Saturday Night Live, or Scandal on Hulu recently you might have noticed some Pop Up Video-like tidbits appearing on the screen while the episode was playing. Apparently Hulu is experimenting with a new feature they call ‘Enhanced Viewing’, which “…showcases quotes and memes that capture funny moments, …