In the coming weeks a new crop of TV shows will be released upon the world. Most will debut on the broadcast networks as they most commonly adhere to the traditional TV schedule. However, the Fall TV season isn’t exclusive to the standard channels. New TV can be found just about anywhere these days, and …
Walt: What time is it? Vic: Why? Walt: I need a drink. “Ashes to Ashes “ (3×10)
So by now you’ve probably burned through all eight episodes of Wet Hot American Summer: First Day of Camp and even re-watched the movie for the millionth time, but don’t you just wish you could go back to summer camp yourself?
A while back I wrote about how I wished there was a simple way for my friends and I to watch TV online together. Well, there is. It’s called
TV can be a fun way to escape reality, to immerse yourself in another place and another time. But every now and then, TV can also highlight how breathtaking our world really is.
Fox cancelled The Mindy Project on Wednesday night, but that might not be all she wrote. According to Deadline, Hulu is in talks to pick-up the show for an additional two seasons.
Completely Arbitrary 2014 TV Superlatives
Let’s be real. “Best of…” lists are always subjective, I can’t possibly watch everything, but that doesn’t mean I’m not going to make one. I still watched a hell of a lot of TV this year, so without further ado, here’s my list of 2014 TV superlatives:
A lot of the hype and excitement I’ve heard surrounding the newly available British anthology series, Black Mirror is in regards to it’s Twilight Zone-like approach to current day societal fears and anxieties about technology, politics, and the like. And rightly so, after quickly watching all six episodes on Netflix over the weekend I can …
Fall TV is winding down, which means several weeks of Holiday specials, reruns, sports, and the occasional burn-off of a failed freshman series is upon us. You could use this time to catch up with family and friends, or to watch all those movies you missed throughout the year, or maybe even go outside if …